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The plugin provides a global component Notice for you to show some notices to your visitors.

You can configure it via notice option in plugin options.


You can set multiple notices for different paths in the site, to do this, set rootComponents.notice in the plugin options with an array of notice options you need.

Each notice options needs to contain a path or match option, which is used to match the path. The path option is a string, which matches all paths starting with this, and the match option is a regular expression, which matches all paths that match.

Other notice configuration includes:

  • title: Notice title, support both text and HTMLString

  • content: Notice content, support both text and HTMLString

  • actions: Notice actions

    Should be an array of objects containing:

    • text: action text

    • link: action link (optional).

      Pathname will be treated as internal route link and handled by router, and absolute links will be treated as external link and being opened in new window.

    • type: "default" or "primary" (optional)

      Default value is "default".

Here is an example:

import { componentsPlugin } from "vuepress-plugin-components";

export default {
  plugins: [
      rootComponents: {
        notice: [
            path: "/",
            title: "Notice Title",
            content: "Notice Content",
            actions: [
                text: "Primary Action",
                link: "",
                type: "primary",
              { text: "Default Action" },
            fullscreen: true,
            path: "/zh/",
            title: "Notice Title",
            content: "Notice Content",
            actions: [
                text: "Primary Action",
                link: "",
                type: "primary",
              { text: "Default Action" },
            fullscreen: true,


Also, we provide some advanced option for you to control notice display.

Notice Display Control

By default, the notice will be shown whenever users enter the site, and it will remain closed in this time if users close it.

To prevent notice being shown again in next visit after users close it, you can set showOnce: true in notice options.

Also, notice remembering is based on notice title and notice content, you can set noticeKey option to use a key you want, so that you can edit notice without bothering users who already confirm them.

Close logic

By default, there will be a close button on the right of notice, and users can close it by clicking it.

However, if you want users to confirm the notice, you can set confirm: true, so that users can only close the notice by hitting action buttons.


If you want to display a fullscreen popup, you can use fullscreen: true in notice options. We recommend you to use this together with confirm: true.

The notice will display in the center of screen, and the other places will be covered by a blur mask.